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Day 4 - Piss Room

Day 4 - Piss Room

6 p. m. - We are going to explore room no.5 it’s on the map and it is called the “Piss” room. Irma thought that it was like a public toilet room. The boys make jokes and explain to her that this is a real pleasure for the fetish community to piss on each other. Irma seems to be disgusted about the fact that someone can have this daily routine as sexual pleasure. The boys admitted that they had tried it before and that they liked it. Just before the entrance to the room dirty receptionist holding the hair of a young girl and she is relieving herself in a huge steel bath. Irma was worried about her but we got the explanation… The girl swallowed too much piss and that is OK as it is common. I’m worried about what’s behind the plastic curtain. Oh hell no! I see two girls one on the floor and the other one standing above her the red-haired tattoed girl holds her eyelids wide open and the other one is pissing into her eyes. That girl is absolutely happy to receive it. Irma says that she will piss in the girl's eyes too just to get a good video and picture for the documentary, and she did! The smell in this room will knock you out! Something like a building cage with the walking area above the pool. People piss from the top down to people and people in the pool are so devoted to it. Extreme to watch. I had never seen anything like that.


Day 4 - Piss Room

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